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Week 11 - Final concept & Implementing concept

Our group decided to focus on landscape painting. We took seven ballads as examples. We drew five illustrations per ballad, and the drawing was painted on the Procreate. We chose this way because we cannot use sound because of technical limitations, and also, in most cases, when people hear the word "ballads," they attempt to think of music and melodies. So our team feels that it's an excellent opportunity to present the ballads in a unique, more visual way. It could provide a new experience to the audiences, and it can also allow people with hearing loss or reading difficulties to have a chance to contact ballads.

We first analyzed the contents of the ballads to categorized the keywords and emotional words and then, based on the keywords, to do painting.

Before doing the final paintings, our group first found some pictures on the Internet and used GAN to test to understand the influence of colour the pattern would have on the final trained image. We found that richer colour for the original pictures, richer final results we could get. So we decided to use varieties of colours when doing the final paintings.

The following are the original illustrations our group has drawn for the seven ballads:


© Design with Data - Group 5 - Edinburgh - 2021 

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