The Exhibition:
Our Reflection:
We have constructed a transmedia visual artwork based on the human-AI collaboration to present English ballad data to the audience in a brand-new way. From the words written by the lyricist to their visualization and through the work with deep learning algorithms, ballads illusion provides a new platform for people outside the culture with an experimental visual presentation. The audience's understanding of the changes in the colours and elements in the artwork stimulated empathy for the stories and emotions behind the ballads. It developed a deep interest in the cultural background. This novel narrative provides a pioneering reference for the data-based cultural heritage.
In the human-AI collaboration, we found that the right to interpret our visual works is unique to the designers and tends to be a cultural democracy constructed by multiple parties, including algorithms and audiences with different cultural backgrounds. This nonlinear creative process also liberated the designers, allowing us to get a lot of enlightenment about AI art and transmedia practice.
Transmedia has brought improvements in the accessibility and attractiveness of the metadata with Fuzziness in the storytelling. The Fuzziness, challenging respect for cultural connotation carried by data and appealing explanation is not contradictory. The transmedia retains, exhibits, and continues to enhance outsiders' understanding of the emotion expressed by the ballads. It uses vivid and affectionate ways to resonate with the audience and facilitate participatory culture in the form of democratization. The decisive outcome from AI-generated artwork, mysterious and appealing dynamic effects, and the changing content seem to annotate the ballads and arouse the audience's empathy outside the culture. It makes people think that to what extent empathy can transcend the original cultural background of the audience.
As some AI artists claimed, the relationship between AI and human-being in art has changed from "AI-generated" to "AI-enhanced" form, so that the co-creation with humans and AI has really emerged. Based on our creation, we have a new understanding of the role of ai in artistic creation and cultural narrative. Instead of a tool for artificial intention, AI is treated as a seasoned artist under our supervision who also has subjective consciousness and art expertise during cooperation and creation. This benefit stems from the collaboration with AI and communicability, which is quite enlightening and not completely controllable.
Compared with traditional artwork that is completed independently by humans, the co-creation of AI and humans has produced a subversive change in the creative process with more exploratory value to the outcome. Furthermore, compared with some previous AI-generated works regarding AI as a tool, which is criticized as "not to be identified as art," this kind of in-depth collaboration even gives a new intention of artistic creation and brings the designer and the audience together into an unknown world.